Friday, September 7, 2018

Welcome back!  We hope you've all had a great summer!  We are ready to go and are really looking forward to the hustle and bustle of a busy studio again!  We love our jobs and are grateful for the wonderful human beings we get to teach!

ANNOUNCEMENT:  Christmas Recital will be held on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6TH! Once again it will be held in the Box Elder Junior High School Auditorium.  The first recital will begin at 6:00 pm.  Depending on how many people we have singing, we may add a second recital and we will update you on that about two weeks out! SAVE THE DATE!

Please note the following:

ALL Private students should be practicing for a MINIMUM OF 30 minutes a day, six days of the week. Most will require up to an hour.  Practicing need not be done in "one lump" segment but may be divided up during the day. New students will likely be required to keep track of their practice time.  It is pretty easy to tell whether any practicing is done.  Progress is VERY obvious :)

TEENS & TRIOS should be practicing a minimum of 15 minutes a day.  That is only their warm ups and music should be in addition to that.  The more time a student puts in, the faster the progress (duh.) Please encourage your teen to practice.  We have a VERY talented group this year in both Teens and Trios.  I'm pretty excited to see what they can do!

We begin next week!  See you then!